What is the process of finding a rental property
Please see our available properties here
Register for an inspection or request an inspection. You will be notified as soon as one is scheduled, you can also request for a virtual inspection via the enquiry option. If you are unable to make it in person please note you are allowed to have a friend inspect the property for you.
Make sure that all your references have valid contact details and will be available to give references, so we can move through the reference check process as quickly as possible.
After completing the inspection an application link will be sent to you, to be completed at your earliest convenience ideally overnight. Please ensure you register with up to date contact details. It is to your advantage to start the search process as early as a month to a month and a half in advance.
I don’t have a rental history
Fill in your application inputting your past residence(s), if you used to live at home with your parents/guardians you can add them as references as well as any overseas addresses.
I am a casual worker/student and don’t have a regular salary
Please provide any proof of income to support your ability to pay the rent and how you intend to meet the monthly payments.
I am a guarantor for an applicant. What information should I provide
Please provide any proof of income or balance statements on how you intend to assist the applicant with covering the rental payments.
I haven’t received a link to apply for a property
Please click here and search for the property you want to apply for and start the application process